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The Single Product page is where detailed information about a product is displayed. Using Elementor, you can create a visually appealing and functional layout for this page.

1.1 Accessing the Single Product Template

  1. Navigate to Templates: Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Templates > Saved Templates.
  2. Locate Your Single Product Template: Find the Single Product template you want to edit. If you haven’t created one yet, you can create a new one by going to Templates > Theme Builder and selecting Single Product.

1.2 Editing the Single Product Template

  • Open with Elementor: Click on “Edit with Elementor” next to your Single Product template.
  • Add and Customize Widgets: Use Elementor widgets to build your layout. Some useful widgets for Single Product pages include:
    • Product Title: Display the product’s title.
    • Product Images: Show the product’s images.
    • Product Price: Display the price.
    • Product Rating: Show the product’s rating.
    • Product Add to Cart: Add an “Add to Cart” button.
    • Product Description: Display the product’s description.
    • Product Meta: Show product metadata like SKU, categories, and tags.
  • Design and Style: Customize the design of each widget. Use Elementor’s styling options to change fonts, colors, backgrounds, spacing, and more to match your brand’s aesthetic.
  • Preview and Save: Once you’re satisfied with your design, preview it to ensure everything looks good. Click “Publish” to save your changes.

1.3 Adding Dynamic Content

Dynamic content ensures that the correct product details are displayed for each product. Use Elementor’s dynamic tags to pull product information:

  1. Select a Widget: For example, click on the Product Title widget.
  2. Enable Dynamic Tags: In the widget’s settings, look for a small database icon. Click on it to enable dynamic tags.
  3. Choose Dynamic Content: Select the appropriate dynamic content option, such as “Product Title,” “Product Price,” etc.

Additional Resources

To learn more about Woocomerce, refer to the following resources:

What are your feelings
Updated on June 23, 2024